Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Eco Blog Tip of the week!

ECO BLOG TIPS starting today!

Tip for this week - Does your kids break their crayons? have many different bits left at the bottom of the pencil case?

WELL here is something you can do to re-use them & Save some money as well. 

Both you & your kids will LOVE this one!

Get yourself a mold of any kind as long as your child's little fingers can hold them. 

Heat some water in a pan over a stove & place a Stainless bowl on the top with all the different bits of crayons in it. 

Stir with an old wooden spoon.  

Once they are melted pour into the molds. 

Pop the molds into the fridge to set & vuala! New crayons which will look funky & can be re-used! You might even like to make some as little gifts!

Would your kids like this?

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! I love it and will be needing to try this very soon!
    Thanks Sandy :)
